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Archive for 'Diabetes'

All change

It’s strange how lives evolve. I got my bread maker in 2006 as a Christmas present. My husband was not convinced this was a good present but our son didn’t like bread and we’d been throwing out part eaten loaves because we couldn’t get one small enough for when we could eat it. Commercial bread […]

To B or not to B, that is the question

You’ve spelt be wrong! Not I haven’t, the B is not the infinitive of the verb but whether or not it is nobler in the mind to bolus before food is estimated to arrive. What?! The B is for bolus and ideally, I should take the dose I need to cover “basic food”, things like […]

A year and a bit in

On the 13th Jan 2021, I got my Tandem TSlim with Control-ID. This is a hybrid closed loop continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion pump. Working with my Dexcom G6 (an update for the G7 is due at some point, as per but not yet), it can learn how to correct high and low blood sugar. […]

It’s been an interesting week

I’ve had a Tandem T-slim pump since January and not had a great deal of success running the “closed loop” (there are so many wrong things about that statement, that yes, I have put it in quotes, more about that later). Coming up to my 45th diaversary, I am kinda familiar with what I need […]

A complex picture when it comes to determining insulin doses

Being a type 1 diabetic for 44 years and 8 months has given me a unique view on how insulin works in the body. But it’s not the same as studying the subject in a lab. One thing I learnt 4 years ago was that insulin binds to potassium. I was aware insulin was used […]

To err is human

I’m sitting on the sofa in our kitchen, taking a breather having realised ninety minutes ago that I had royally and completely screwed up. Oh yeah? Your sympathy is awe inspiring, you know that? Get on with it! Ok! Well, my newish pump has two ways of working: enter the carbs and it works out […]

I’m lying in bed, cringing

listening to Radio 4 happily announce the launch of “the artificial pancreas” in the NHS. I realise, I’m one of the 900 trialing this approach in the UK and it’s far from the freedom being touted in the article. I got my new pump, a Tandem TSlim X2 with “Control iQ” on the 13th January […]

Time is the enemy of us all

Yuk, depressing! What, no! I’m not talking about aging, I’m talking about the clocks going forwards. Losing an hours sleep, everyone whinging, boring! I take it that you’re still out of sorts from losing that hour? Hump… OK, well, this time of year is hard for anyone replacing missing hormones in their body. That hour […]

it’s an ill wind (that blows nobody any good)

I’m typing this in bed due to being infected by Covid-19 at some point over the last two weeks: I tested positive very late on the 16th February. I feel reasonably lucky as the impact has been devasting on my insulin requirements, but I have food booked via my local supermarket, the internet at my […]

DIY is not what I wish to do

Many things are happening tomorrow, the result of which is I’ve just spent the best part of 6 hours designing and making a pump case so I have the luxury of being where I was this morning at 6am with a new insulin pump. Let me explain. My first ever pump came with three cases […]