Archive for 'The world according to Pi'
Some basic facts about software engineering
I wrote my first programme thanks to my mum asking a basic question having typed out a load of programmes from books so we could all learn how to do computer programming – “what do you want to do next?”. That was when I really learnt about testing and how to prove something worked. As […]
Posted: October 24th, 2023 under 42, Programming, The world according to Pi.
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Video kiosk pi
For Christmas, I got a raspberry pi 2, which I love. But what to do with my old pis? Obviously, having an old one around doing a useful job of motion capture, streamed straight out to the web. But what about the other one? What can be usefully done with a small computer with a […]
Posted: December 26th, 2015 under 42, Programming, The world according to Pi.
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The world according to Pi…
I have finally got a Raspberry Pi. There are many reasons for the delay, not least because we’re not exactly short of computing resource in this house 😉 In fact, since it turned up on Saturday, I’ve been playing with it in my office. I am reasonably lucky this weekend: my house mates (son and […]
Posted: May 26th, 2014 under The world according to Pi.
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