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Archive for '42'

The deed is done

And I am not talking about slaying a Scottish King to seize the throne! We have had our heat pump going for three days! So, everyone should be thanking us for the more than clement weather we’ve been having. Little note to the manufacturer: in normal operation, it is perfectly reasonable to prevent the heating […]

Making good use of what you have, and stepping stones.

We spotted our house in January 2013 on an estate agents web site. My husband was away, so I took our son over to have a look – he was anti-moving, but I was shattered with the commute and where we were based – anything we did needed the car or motorbike or a long […]

All change, please.

When you DIY a project, preparation is key. If someone is coming in for you, making sure the decks are clear saves valuable time. The heat pump is coming and the old boiler and water tank are disappearing. With luck, the old gas pipe too. How do we know which is the gas feed? Well, […]

Why haven’t you asked how we feel?

I love politics, I love the philosophies, the study, the decisions people make and why they do so when it comes to putting their cross against a name. But I have never been canvased by anyone but our local liberal democratic party. Which is good. Being a stato, this year we not only were just […]

To outsource or not to outsource, that is the question…

Whether it is nobler… What is this actually about, please? In 2012, my role at work required a great deal of travel, as did my husband’s. Which meant the weekends were spent having some fun but mostly recovering from the pace. We weren’t even that old! After coming home to a tip one evening, I […]

Finding a balance

I like to be busy. It drives my son up the wall: but if I am sitting down and see a task that needs doing, I am on my feet and looking for the means of getting it done. This has some issues – I love my job but, if I’m not careful my “overly […]

And breathe…

“People who grinned themselves to death – smiled so much they failed to take a breadth” is the start of a chorus line to the song The People Who Grinned Themselves to Death by the House Martins, released in 1987. I’m not anti-monarchy, but this song always catches me on the thought that “there but […]

Picking up our skirts and running

I’ve always liked this term. I’ve felt it relates to the fact that many of the fashions in the past were quite restrictive to women (and in places, men) and so to do anything like running required concious effort. It’s that pause, that hesitation before you realise that actually, there is little but yourselve holding […]

Feelings of ennui

It’s been both a productive and exhausting week, gaining some valuable inches in making things a bit better for those in the work place, well my work place, for those in the minorities. I got the chance of 30 minutes away from my desk in a comfy environment thinking about all the things in our […]

Economies of scale

We moved house on a Friday, largely because that was the day my husband got back from Saudi from a business trip. On the Sunday morning, as I was unpacking boxes, I noticed a small group of people waiting on opposite side of the road from us; then I noticed some properly classic cars going […]