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Archive for 'Diabetes'

And breathe…

“People who grinned themselves to death – smiled so much they failed to take a breadth” is the start of a chorus line to the song The People Who Grinned Themselves to Death by the House Martins, released in 1987. I’m not anti-monarchy, but this song always catches me on the thought that “there but […]

Feelings of ennui

It’s been both a productive and exhausting week, gaining some valuable inches in making things a bit better for those in the work place, well my work place, for those in the minorities. I got the chance of 30 minutes away from my desk in a comfy environment thinking about all the things in our […]

The joy of movement…

There was a great article on BBC’s Look East last night, discussing disabled accessibility when it came to sports. I have found many gyms, pools, tracks, etc, really difficult to navigate as time has passed. The “anti-sugar” lobyists mean I have to carry suitable hypo treatments – lucozade has been off the menu since they […]

Where do I fit in?

For many, I don’t count as being disabled. The fact I lost use of my beta cells that mean, without subcutaneously delivered insulin, I would die. Now, my insulin is not delivered in the same way as a non-type 1 diabetic. I programme in my basal to make use of the stores in my body […]

Sitting, looking out on the rain, waiting for it to get better…

I’m sitting watching the rain come to a stop on a cold March day in the UK. The sun is making an appearance and, for the time being, I am waiting for the miracle that is fiasp insulin to work its magic. I’d had a good day yesterday with the insulin I’d programmed in a […]

Experiments in the kitchen

Taking advantage of a discount and the fall out. My husband has an interesting package with his job and after asking both me and our son if we wanted to take part in a small experiment, our grown son finally said yes. To give a little background, I first met my husband before it was […]

As I’m not up to working…

I love reading, but just fiction wanes after a few days. So, I’ve been catching up on some type 1 diabetes literature. The American government is particularly keen on publishing papers, and Type 1 Diabetes Through the Life Span: A Position Statement of the American Diabetes Association caught my eye. One of the difficulties we […]

Brain is OK, rest of body…

I’m unwell.  I run a low body temperature, but when my body was doing everything it could to generate a fever on Tuesday, I took the hint, so while the body is weak, the mind is racing. Type 1 diabetes means that all the mechanisms my body is relying on to get a fever are […]

A wonderful time of year

I love Christmas, but before the glorious 12th, I’m a bit down. This is a little new because I didn’t know my diagnosis date for certain for many, many years, but I knew it was around this time before Christmas. I know it’s a bit strange because this all happened a long time ago, 46 […]

What did I feel about being diagnosed?

When you are sick, things happen to you and around you. I’d been to the doctor’s recently and went back home in a slightly worse state than I’d gone in because I still hadn’t been diagnosed. The locum GP thought I “didn’t look diabetic to [them]”. Some people think you’re too young to remember what […]