Rolling with the punches
Like many, I am sitting here with a cold: the first nasty cold of the season.
I get immunised against flu each year, so I know it’s just a cold. Viral, but limited in its impact to my upper respiratory system and of course my head.
It’s not a pretty picture and from the look of my results it’s been brewing up for a while but I am finally on the sneezing and coughing bit.
Brewing for a while?
The past four weeks have been utterly poor in terms of my basal rate and carb ratios working. Completely unpredictable. Very high blood sugars followed by devastating lows, Fun and games.
And of course the coughing is causing my rib to hurt again.
🙁 At least everything else is coming up roses. Or is that noses? Where did I put the vapour rub?
Posted: September 10th, 2019 under 42, Diabetes.