Archive for 'Work'
There’s always more than one solution
I’ve been a big fan of the smart phone ever since my husband came home with his Sony P800. I hung on though and treated myself to a Siemens SX1: I never did get my mail to work reliably but we had browser email access, so in a real emergency, that was always an option. […]
Posted: October 5th, 2009 under 42, Social Networks, Work.
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We’d all like to innovate and support great ideas
but not many companies are comfortable taking the approach Google has or indeed IBM… Indeed, at the moment, many companies are so busy trying to balance reorganisation against redundancies and making money against keeping old customers happy and new ones to your door. Where you have very large companies, there are often people who see […]
Posted: July 10th, 2009 under Work.
Comments: 1
Is there an ultimate solution for my web 2.0 problem?
there is no single correct answer for achieving a goal
Posted: February 2nd, 2009 under Social Networks, Work.
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Doesn’t beat hacking but makes the process easier to resolve
Hope you’ve had a Merry Christmas. Mine was spent with my family, which was ace but meant that recovering from a security hack on my server took a little longer to resolve than normal. Thankfully though, I keep a regular backup. I also make sure my web user has limited access to the rest of […]
Posted: December 26th, 2008 under 42, Work.
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How many cute gadgets are there out there?
I’m guessing lots. I got an eyefull of the new Sony eBook reader today and was seriously impressed – but I’m not convinced it’s something I would rush out to buy. Maybe I’m not their target audience – to me a book is something I can lounge in a boiling hot tub with and I’m not […]
Posted: September 13th, 2008 under Work.
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