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December 2024
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There’s always more than one solution

I’ve been a big fan of the smart phone ever since my husband came home with his Sony P800.

Work slave?

Work slave?

I hung on though and treated myself to a Siemens SX1: I never did get my mail to work reliably but we had browser email access, so in a real emergency, that was always an option.

Jon then got his first N80, and I was smitten. Wifi access to your work email. No clumsy phone to deal with either it seemed a good option. But then Jon managed to kill it and the second one never did do wifi properly.

So, I kept with the SX1 and waited. The iPhone arrived just after I got into internet tablets: my N770 seemed to cover the gaps. So, who needed a smart phone?

Last Feb, I bought my Nokia 5800 Music Express. Compared to my friends and family I am no audiophile but I love it’s prowess in music reproduction. Having a removable memory card means I can switch the play list easily too – no reliance on bits of cable and 8G cards mean I can carry a presentation around with me and keep it separate to my Dvorak and Guns and Roses. The video is pretty good too, especially when driving the TV, though to be honest we have other solutions round the house.

It’s the mail I really love though. My “mail for exchange” client runs between work hours and switches off automatically; I can still get mail, but I am not bothered if I don’t want to be. The client I have for my personal mail works at the same time. Fring handles my tweets which automatically handle my FB status updates. I can skype for free where-ever I can hook up to the wifi 😀

I have plenty of fun apps too. The one I have paid for allowed me to catalogue my books without having to buy and own a mac.

Heaven. And it’s all mine, so if I need to leave my company, it not an issue. Quality of life and ease of contact while working. It all sounds really good to me.

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