Patience IS a virtue
All I want to be talking about here is how we’re doing with our heat pump.
But at the end of the third week of February, we still have 25 days until the end of winter:- 20th March 2025 is our first day of spring in the UK.
So, I cannot do that.
What I can say is I seem to have finally broken my infection – today it felt like spring when I woke up! My sheets were sodden – a good fever will do that, but I can breathe easily and my head no longer feels like it weighs a ton.
Ironically, I owe this to allowing a hypo to ride last night after my body decided to put up a fight – stubborn highs that cannot be fixed by normal corrections, that will be an infection.
Our anatomy is no different to a non-type 1 diabetic’s. A non-type 1’s body will trick the body into releasing a huge amount of insulin just to get a hypo – what’s different is the scale and speed.
A non-diabetic will do this in a matter of a couple of hours. Because we’re gently trying to bring down the low, we can go a couple of days like this – all the while feeding the bacterial/viral/fungal infection with some excess sugar.
Our immune systems are different and expecting them to behave the same maybe a little unrealistic.
Sounds logical-ish. What’s the answer?
It’s easy to say don’t be afraid of the hypo, but that is actually the answer. And many of the “hybrid loop” systems in use today are exactly that – so when we’re feeling our best, we need to step up and take control.
And everyone is different, and every infection is different. Worse than that, my body is killing and reproducing new cells, every day to the extent that no cell in my body is older than seven years. Today really is a completely different day to yesterday.
Ah, that’s sounds like a nightmare!
It’s one of the reasons many type 1’s look knackered most of the time.
What worked for me yesterday was hanging in there, not panicking when I started to drop, fasting most of the day, drinking 3 litres of water and not doing a thing. I was lazy, I achieved very little, although just living I did get 3,250 steps under my belt. I passed a kidney stone.
I’m not going overboard today either. It wasn’t my turn to do lunch or clear up. I did do some washing, took the soft plastics and glass to be recycled. I will have a bath in a few moments. I will recalibrate my watch’s blood pressure monitor.
I’m considering my post for the 23rd March. I’ll draft it asside from the final figures next week.
Because, patience is a virtue. As well as being utterly annoying.
Posted: February 23rd, 2025 under 42, Diabetes.
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