Writing an android app – going from JSP to Android app
I wrote the original pump tools back in 2002 as a JavaScript calculator. As I moved into web service development, I ported the crude calculations library to a Java bean interface to a set of libraries. I put a jsp front end to collect data from the user.
This is great and one of the reasons I got a domain for my site: I can book mark these pages and use them on any device that has a browser. I use a simple CSS schema to present the information well but keep costs down – there are no graphics on these pages either – typical download size is less than 7kB.
So how did I port this app – I didn’t. Android allows you to link to content on the web, so that’s what my app is. First time round, this took two days and the majority of that was spent scripting and testing and improving the user interface (hopefully). Now I now what I’m doing, publishing an application should take much less time :-).
Ideally, the pump tools would work off your phone without the need for an internet connection. How am I going to do that and allow the small footprint it currently enjoys?
Posted: April 12th, 2012 under Diabetes, Social Networks, Work.