The lies we tell ourselves
Having, quite proudly, reached the grand old age of 37 there are some thoughts I’d like to share on my observations of the world.
You cannot understand someone until you’ve walked around in their shoes
Harper Lee’s famous line from To Kill a Mocking Bird. I’ve had some wonderful things said to me in my time from friends who don’t think the diabetes is a big thing to men who just don’t want the responsibility. It is a responsibility: when you love someone seeing them in pain is horrible. If you don’t love them, it’s embarrassing.
When you really love and care for someone, you do just deal with it. But it’s always there, 365, 24, 7: never a day off, never a break. You do relax round it but you don’t get the chance to forget.
I don’t blame the friends who’ve backed off when I have been hypo round them. Or if I’ve been in a stinking mood when I’ve been high because it does hurt, having blood sugar above 11mmol/l physically hurts – imagine the worst headache ever in your legs and arms and even your stomach.
There’s great excitement today because a new device has cleared a trial in administering drugs through the skin (subcutaneous doesn’t seem the right phrase here) and no doubt some bright spark will see this as a way of treating diabetes mellitus.
Because it’s the injections that hurt!
Posted: July 20th, 2010 under 42.