Why is politics very sexy at the moment?
You could blame it on the suits and the make up but I really love the way politics is coming to life at the moment.
I don’t know if the “prime minister debates” have really livened it up for me or whether the interesting policies – reform over tax, parliament and of course access to the manifestos through the Internet mean anyone and everyone can really delve in to the real essence of the current party politics.
Yet, I am torn. I totally agree with removing the 1% increase on National Insurance. This is a terrible way to raise revenue as only the employed and employers are taxed this way. Given the recession (and yes, I am using that word even though I do believe it’s a depression we’re currently experiencing in Europe and America), I feel that gaining that 2% from every worker is wrong. It’s hard to collect, ambiguous who is potentially eligible and effects people earning lower wages much more than it effects higher earners. Essentially, it’s not a great way for the redistribution of wealth or a way to fund the running of the country.
But I also believe the £10K earning right is terrific, this should work whether there’s an economic crisis going on or not – much better than a minimum wage in insuring every man, woman and child has the ability to a high standard of basic life. Cheap to collect, very fair, elegant.
Yet universal suffrage does not allow me to express these beliefs in the ballot box. I need to make a choise by the 6th May.
That’s not going to be an easy choice. Should we be able to vote for policies rather than individuals?
Posted: April 23rd, 2010 under 42.