It’s been an interesting year…
I have been a long time admirer of the UK political scene. The voting system allows for stability and we called our MPs, the Right Honourable x, because they are honourable.
Largely, it has remained corruption free with the few instances of any MPs corruption being publicised and discussed openly.
Our MPs are not given a terrific amount of money but the financial package was such that there was little advantage to be had from taking money in order to influence votes and bills. The cost was too high.
Which is why I am not looking forward to next year.
Would I much rather the public purse was recompensing MPs for the life styles they need to function on the job 24 hours a day than seek finance from anyone with a view to buy an MP? Hell, yes!
Other European countries are renown for this happening – indeed it is almost given a blind eye. In the UK this hasn’t happened as the civil service understood how people function (and MPs are still people) and accommodated it. The package was wrapped up so everyone benefited including the UK public: we had a government that was hard to corrupt.
Who knows what we’ll end up with post 2009.
Posted: December 27th, 2009 under 42.