The age of anxiety
WH Auden called the postwar times the age of anxiety but I am wondering in we’re living in a time of downright fear.
The news has been talking of impeding recession (as an asside, I love the facebook group, ”
I absolutely refuse to participate in a recession“) and as a result, shock, horror, gasp, pub closures are on the increase!
Whether large business or employee, everyone seems to be cowering and waiting for everything to pass. Which is making things worse.
I am not saying everyone should rush out and make a huge purchase but the actions taken by the more savy governments seem to have stop the banks going down the pan. (Politically I am not sure the right thing has been done longer term, but I do think this has meant things are still a float).
I’ve had friends complain that as they have no debt and loads of investments which are now worth nothing – but you have a house, a job, inflation is in the right direction for and you’re still employed, and young.
I think that’s the biggest surprise – it’s not the older people who are concerned, it’s the 30 somethings who’ve been sorted for a while. Isn’t that strange?
Posted: February 4th, 2009 under 42.
Comment from Sam Watkins
Time February 11, 2009 at 3:56 pm
Lydia and Mark, I completely agree with you. I quite like the line in Sunscreen: “sometimes you’re ahead, sometimes you’re behind…the race is long, and in the end, it’s only with yourself.”