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May 2024
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Best laid plans of mice and men!

I hope you’ve had a great Christmas. We went to my parents, my men visited my sister in law and family and then headed home. This is a short note discussing some bright ideas and how we worked round some limitations.


Like many working families, the holiday season is a chance to catch up on odd jobs round the house. One of these is fitting some cupboard lights to our newly fitted bedroom cupboards.

When the house was built as a custom house for the previous owners (think Grand Designs), my wardrobe was built in under the eaves and had the electrics in for a cupboard light. We’ve taken that out (ironically, I have more storage space by taking out the walk in cupboard) and I put in some LED batons fixed to the door frame. The light is incredible and half the cost of the compact fluorescents I’ve replaced.

But that left a number of cupboards without any automatic lighting.

A search on Amazon and I found this neat solution: Cosoro Cabinet Light.

Hinge light as they arrived

Hinge light as they arrived

It looked ideal, automatic LED lighting, no wires to fit anywhere and only a tenner!

I ordered them and they duly turned up: let’s start fitting them.

Only, they did not fit on our hinges, at all. Our cupboards came with suitably different hinge mechanisms. Oh dear, or words to that effect.

Kitchen hinge light

Kitchen hinge light

We had more joy on a downstairs kitchen cabinet but that wasn’t really the idea! My husband had a great idea – why not fix the light to the frame?

He did just that and low, there was light!

Hinge light installed elsewhere

Hinge light installed elsewhere

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