The joys of winter
I’m not discussing the joys of winter sports at the moment, but the thrill of going for a walk in to town with an air temperature of 10°C and a wind chill providing a real feel of -5°C!
The sky is overcast and to beat the Christmas Shopping parking blues, I take the bottles to be recycled and wander into town. Late lunch time was not overly horrendous but not being able to get the washing powder I completely forgot to get for my mum while at shopping at our local superstore this morning.
Sounds like fun, not!
It got me over my 10,000 steps for the day but I had no joy and as I was out of the wind coming home, I ended up doing it in just my polo neck.
I realised I was going to have to go back out of town to get the powder of choice. I felt like a teenager again, getting things for my mum to the right spec’!
The obvious thing was to take the car, but climbing back up the hill towards ours, I realised the motorbike was the tool of choice here. It’s only three miles and in the summer, I would have clambered on to the push bike, but given the overcast sky and sharp wind, I pushed the motorbike out of the garage and pulled on the armour and rode over to Futura Park. It has to be said, the armour protected me from the wind beautifully.
My bike is a little bigger than they obviously planned for in the newish shopping centre in Ipswich, and I did park in one of the car bays so I could front out easily. I grabbed my clip on bag, picked up the two bottles of washing powder and paid up.
The whole trip took less than 10 minutes to drive to and I never went over the 40 limit on 90% of the ride and the two 30 areas were stuck to like glue. The thing is, a motorbike is so small and nimble and the majority of the junctions were roundabouts, that a car just cannot make the spaces and the acceleration. Parking was trivial as the bike is a third the size of a car.
I saw 2 people learning to ride motorbikes on my journey and 20 learner plated cars. Why are we still favouring cars for the small journeys?
Posted: December 18th, 2018 under 42, The Hayabusa Journeys.