Archive for March, 2023
Daylight savings coming tomorrow
It’s difficult to think of it in that terms – if you’re an office worker (and I do count those students and teachers as being in that boat), it just feels like a stolen hour of sleep. This was not the original purpose. In 1784, Benjamin Franklin propose aligning “working time” with “available day light” […]
Posted: March 25th, 2023 under 42, Driving off the grid.
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Being kind to yourself
As you’re aware, I have been capturing my favourite recipes down in my wiki. I then use this as my reference for all this in the kitchen. It’s my most clicked on page. I do this for fun and to share what I love. I quite enjoy the rigor of writing down the tips and […]
Posted: March 19th, 2023 under 42.
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Four weeks to Easter
So traditionally, children in service (that’s doing house work for money to you and me) went “home to their mother church” and away from their employers home (their place of work). There is so much that isn’t wholesome and savoury about those statements that it was one of the first traditions my family moved away […]
Posted: March 18th, 2023 under 42.
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