Archive for August, 2022
Zapping food to save pounds
Microwaves are often scorned in cook books and recipes but I’m a huge fan – I got my first one when I was 19 as a grown up, but I’d grown up with one in the house. My dad was keen, cooking meat, fish, and egg dishes (seperately, not combined) and his favourite dish was […]
Posted: August 28th, 2022 under 42, Driving off the grid.
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Welcome back to the show
Sorry for the delay since my last post but it has been an exciting few weeks. Our son dropped out of university but made a good go at things in Newcastle but as his flat mates have moved away, he had no home so has returned. We were not unhappy empty nesters but having an […]
Posted: August 26th, 2022 under Driving off the grid.
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