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January 2025
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Archive for 'Driving off the grid'

Enough to put you off your cuppa?

We had our smart meter fitted today.  Not only do we generate our own electricity (honestly, even today when the showers are continual, we are generating 140W) but we can see when to make the best use of that electricity. Given this has been a good year: from 1st January 2018 to the 9th August […]

Ray of sunshine?

We bought our Nissan Leaf on the 27th January 2014 out right apart from a 5 year lease on the battery, which gave us ownship of the battery at the end of the lease. Only two years later we were told we were on a “Flex battery lease” which has no end date 😮 And […]

Lighting up my world

I ended up with a day on my hands. I could have spent it feeling sorry for myself (and did start down that route) before I picked myself up by the scruff of my neck and gave myself a shake down! Get to the chase?  So what? Over the past 5 years, I have had […]

Two steps forward, one step back – recovered from the Wayback machine!

[Originally posted on the December 4th, 2016] Three years ago, as part of my job, I was involved in the UK role out of smart meters, which are basically mobile devices metering your gas and electricity and sending the data back to your energy provider.  As a consumer, this is great because you can see […]

It’s been a while

Life with the Leaf becomes the norm pretty quickly and you do just take it for granted.  Since we bought the Leaf in Jan 2014, I cannot imagine using an internal combustion engine for my daily commute.  In fact, my beautiful motorbike is failing to rack up miles as a result. A rhythm is established […]

ICE’d, ICE’d baby

The past few weeks have seemed really busy.  End of financial quarter, new aspects to my job and a lot of travelling. I am currently racking up around 1,000 miles a month in the diesel which feels terrible.  It’s all the best kind of travelling for the beast but still, averaging 40mpg in a 275bhp […]

What a difference a year makes

Much has been in the news lately about the removal of subsidies for home owners who are deciding to move to micro generation of electricity through the use of solar panels. We were in the 2nd wave of adopters and missed out on the 17p per unit feed in tariff or FIT.  To be honest […]

A load off my mind

I have to be honest: I want one! I am sitting at home on a rainy Sunday morning, waiting for the oven to switch itself on to cook the Sunday roast.  We’re having it late today as the 45th Ipswich to Felixstowe vintage car run is due to go past our place in ninety minutes […]

Haven’t you been good!

It’s been incredibly busy the past few months so this is a long time after the fact.  I thought you might like to know… What? Well, we had our first service of the Leaf (although to be honest, we have enjoyed owning it so much that it really didn’t feel like a year). It was […]

A year on…

The last 12 months seem to have flown by, and we are approaching the first anniversary and service for the Leaf. It has covered nearly 5,000 miles as I write this. That is around 500 journeys to work, which seems about right.  After all, this is why we bought the Leaf: to provide a clean, […]