Spelt bread

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Other recipes | Bread recipes

Home made spelt bread

Adapted from Panasonic Automatic Breadmaker SD-255. Needs the rye/spelt blade!

This does not rise as much as wheat bread, hence the extra yeast.


  • 7.5ml fast acting, dried yeast
  • 400g Spelt flour
  • 5ml sugar
  • 15ml walnut oil
  • 5ml salt
  • 300ml water


  1. Put Rye bread blade in machine tin.
  2. Put in ingredients.
  3. Set machine to Rye - Bake and start programme.
  4. Come back in 3 hr 30 minutes time.

It is much more likely to retain the blade in the loaf. Use the chop stick method as usual! Do not be dismayed if it looks "flat".

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